Acorn Preservation Company
Acorn Preservation Company is an established and reputable Hertfordshire-based company with staff who has in excess of 35 years practical and survey experience in this field. We undertake, in addition, remedial building works, renovation of rainwater goods, dry lining and decorating and tanking.
We promise to fulfil your requirements by providing for you a prompt, accurate survey service, supplying results and estimates, normally within 24 hours, completely free of charge.
We believe our specialist work is often a necessary part of a larger transaction and we will at all times co-operate to ensure a speedy and satisfactory conclusion to your contract.
Our workmanship is of the highest standard. Our 20 year guarantees can be insurance backed and are recognized by all building societies and major banks, local authorities, etc.
We are also full members of the PCA incorporating the Trustmark standards.
Trade and finance references will be made available upon request.
A 24 hour telephone service is operative and we will be honoured to receive your enquires.